adaptive_scheduler.server_support module

Imports for the server_support module.

class adaptive_scheduler.server_support.BaseManager[source]

Bases: object

Return type:

bool | None

property is_started: bool
Return type:


class adaptive_scheduler.server_support.DatabaseManager(url, scheduler, db_fname, learners, fnames, *, overwrite_db=True, initializers=None)[source]

Bases: BaseManager

Database manager.


A list of entries that have failed and have been removed from the database.




Return the database as a pandas.DataFrame.

Return type:



Return the database as a list of dictionaries.

Return type:

list[dict[str, str]]


Create an empty database.

It keeps track of fname -> (job_id, is_done, log_fname, job_name).

Return type:



Return True if all jobs are done.

Return type:



Return the number of jobs that are done.

Return type:



If the job_id isn’t running anymore, replace it with None.

Return type:


class adaptive_scheduler.server_support.JobManager(job_names, database_manager, scheduler, interval=30, *, max_simultaneous_jobs=100, max_fails_per_job=50, save_dataframe=True, dataframe_format='pickle', loky_start_method='loky', log_interval=60, save_interval=300, runner_kwargs=None, goal=None)[source]

Bases: BaseManager

Job manager.

  • job_names (list[str]) – List of unique names used for the jobs with the same length as learners. Note that a job name does not correspond to a certain specific learner.

  • database_manager (DatabaseManager) – A DatabaseManager instance.

  • scheduler (BaseScheduler) – A scheduler instance from adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.

  • interval (float) – Time in seconds between checking and starting jobs.

  • max_simultaneous_jobs (int) – Maximum number of simultaneously running jobs. By default no more than 500 jobs will be running. Keep in mind that if you do not specify a runner.goal, jobs will run forever, resulting in the jobs that were not initially started (because of this max_simultaneous_jobs condition) to not ever start.

  • max_fails_per_job (int) – Maximum number of times that a job can fail. This is here as a fail switch because a job might fail instantly because of a bug inside your code. The job manager will stop when n_jobs * total_number_of_jobs_failed > max_fails_per_job is true.

  • save_dataframe (bool) – Whether to periodically save the learner’s data as a pandas.DataFame.

  • dataframe_format (Literal['parquet', 'csv', 'hdf', 'pickle', 'feather', 'excel', 'json']) – The format in which to save the pandas.DataFame. See the type hint for the options.

  • loky_start_method (Literal['loky', 'loky_int_main', 'spawn', 'fork', 'forkserver']) – Loky start method, by default “loky”.

  • log_interval (float) – Time in seconds between log entries.

  • save_interval (float) – Time in seconds between saving of the learners.

  • runner_kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None) – Extra keyword argument to pass to the adaptive.Runner. Note that this dict will be serialized and pasted in the job_script.

  • goal (Union[Callable[[BaseLearner], bool], int, float, datetime, timedelta, None]) – The goal passed to the adaptive.Runner. Note that this function will be serialized and pasted in the job_script. Can be a smart-goal that accepts Callable[[adaptive.BaseLearner], bool] | float | datetime | timedelta | None. See adaptive_scheduler.utils.smart_goal for more information.


Total number of jobs started by the JobManager.



property max_job_starts: int

Equivalent to self.max_fails_per_job * len(self.job_names).

class adaptive_scheduler.server_support.KillManager(scheduler, database_manager, *, error='srun: error:', interval=600, max_cancel_tries=5, move_to=None)[source]

Bases: BaseManager

Kill manager.

Automatically cancel jobs that contain an error (or other condition) in the log files.

  • scheduler (BaseScheduler) – A scheduler instance from adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.

  • database_manager (DatabaseManager) – A DatabaseManager instance.

  • error (Union[str, Callable[[list[str]], bool]]) – If error is a string and is found in the log files, the job will be cancelled and restarted. If it is a callable, it is applied to the log text. Must take a single argument, a list of strings, and return True if the job has to be killed, or False if not.

  • interval (float) – Time in seconds between checking for the condition.

  • max_cancel_tries (int) – Try maximum max_cancel_tries times to cancel a job.

  • move_to (str | Path | None) – If a job is cancelled the log is either removed (if move_to=None) or moved to a folder (e.g. if move_to='old_logs').

exception adaptive_scheduler.server_support.MaxRestartsReachedError[source]

Bases: Exception

Max restarts reached.

Jobs can fail instantly because of an error in your Python code which results jobs being started indefinitely.

class adaptive_scheduler.server_support.RunManager(scheduler, learners, fnames, *, goal=None, check_goal_on_start=True, runner_kwargs=None, url=None, save_interval=300, log_interval=300, job_name='adaptive-scheduler', job_manager_interval=60, kill_interval=60, kill_on_error='srun: error:', move_old_logs_to='old_logs', db_fname=None, overwrite_db=True, job_manager_kwargs=None, kill_manager_kwargs=None, loky_start_method='loky', cleanup_first=False, save_dataframe=False, dataframe_format='pickle', max_log_lines=500, max_fails_per_job=50, max_simultaneous_jobs=100, initializers=None)[source]

Bases: BaseManager

A convenience tool that starts the job, database, and kill manager.

  • scheduler (BaseScheduler) – A scheduler instance from adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.

  • learners (list[BaseLearner]) – List of learners corresponding to fnames.

  • fnames (list[str] | list[Path]) – List of fnames corresponding to learners.

  • goal (Union[Callable[[BaseLearner], bool], int, float, datetime, timedelta, None]) – The goal passed to the adaptive.Runner. Note that this function will be serialized and pasted in the job_script. Can be a smart-goal that accepts Callable[[adaptive.BaseLearner], bool] | float | datetime | timedelta | None. See adaptive_scheduler.utils.smart_goal for more information.

  • initializers (list[Callable[[], None]] | None) – List of functions that are called before the job starts, can populate a cache.

  • check_goal_on_start (bool) – Checks whether a learner is already done. Only works if the learner is loaded.

  • runner_kwargs (dict | None) – Extra keyword argument to pass to the adaptive.Runner. Note that this dict will be serialized and pasted in the job_script.

  • url (str | None) – The url of the database manager, with the format tcp://ip_of_this_machine:allowed_port.. If None, a correct url will be chosen.

  • save_interval (float) – Time in seconds between saving of the learners.

  • log_interval (float) – Time in seconds between log entries.

  • job_name (str) – From this string the job names will be created, e.g. ["adaptive-scheduler-1", "adaptive-scheduler-2", ...].

  • job_manager_interval (float) – Time in seconds between checking and starting jobs.

  • kill_interval (float) – Check for kill_on_error string inside the log-files every kill_interval seconds.

  • kill_on_error (Union[str, Callable[[list[str]], bool], None]) – If error is a string and is found in the log files, the job will be cancelled and restarted. If it is a callable, it is applied to the log text. Must take a single argument, a list of strings, and return True if the job has to be killed, or False if not. Set to None if no KillManager is needed.

  • move_old_logs_to (str | Path | None) – Move logs of killed jobs to this directory. If None the logs will be deleted.

  • db_fname (str | Path | None) – Filename of the database, e.g. ‘running.json’.

  • overwrite_db (bool) – Overwrite the existing database.

  • job_manager_kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None) – Keyword arguments for the JobManager function that aren’t set in __init__ here.

  • kill_manager_kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None) – Keyword arguments for the KillManager function that aren’t set in __init__ here.

  • loky_start_method (Literal['loky', 'loky_int_main', 'spawn', 'fork', 'forkserver']) – Loky start method, by default “loky”.

  • cleanup_first (bool) – Cancel all previous jobs generated by the same RunManager and clean logfiles.

  • save_dataframe (bool) – Whether to periodically save the learner’s data as a pandas.DataFame.

  • dataframe_format (Literal['parquet', 'csv', 'hdf', 'pickle', 'feather', 'excel', 'json']) – The format in which to save the pandas.DataFame. See the type hint for the options.

  • max_log_lines (int) – The maximum number of lines to display in the log viewer widget.


List of job_names. Generated with self.job_name.




The database manager.




The job manager.




The kill manager.


KillManager or None


Time at which self.start() is called.


float or None


Time at which the jobs are all done or at which self.cancel() is called.


float or None


Here is an example of using the RunManager with a modified job_script_function.

>>> import adaptive_scheduler
>>> scheduler = adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.DefaultScheduler(cores=10)
>>> run_manager = adaptive_scheduler.server_support.RunManager(
...     scheduler=scheduler
... ).start()

Or an example using ipyparallel.Client.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> import adaptive_scheduler
>>> scheduler = adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.DefaultScheduler(
...     cores=10, executor_type="ipyparallel",
... )
>>> def goal(learner):
...     return learner.npoints > 2000
>>> run_manager = adaptive_scheduler.server_support.RunManager(
...     scheduler=scheduler,
...     goal=goal,
...     log_interval=30,
...     save_interval=30,
... )
>>> run_manager.start()

Cancel the manager tasks and the jobs in the queue.

Return type:


cleanup(*, remove_old_logs_folder=False)[source]

Cleanup the log and batch files.

Return type:



Total time elapsed since the RunManager was started.

Return type:



Get the database as a pandas.DataFrame.

Return type:


Return type:



Return the starting times of the jobs.

Return type:



Load the `pandas.DataFrame`s with the most recently saved learners data.

Return type:



Load the learners in parallel using adaptive_scheduler.utils.load_parallel.

Return type:


parse_log_files(*, only_last=True)[source]

Parse the log-files and convert it to a DataFrame.


only_last (bool) – Only look use the last printed status message.

Return type:


remove_existing_data(*, move_to=None, force=False)[source]

Remove the existing data files.

  • move_to (str | Path | None) – Move the files to this directory. If None the files will be deleted.

  • force (bool) – Remove the files even if the RunManager is already started.

Return type:



Start the RunManager and optionally wait for another RunManager to finish.

Return type:



Return the current status of the RunManager.

Return type:



Print the stack of the asyncio.Tasks.

Return type:


adaptive_scheduler.server_support.cleanup_scheduler_files(job_names, scheduler, *, with_progress_bar=True, move_to=None)[source]

Cleanup the scheduler log-files files.

  • job_names (list[str]) – List of job names.

  • scheduler (BaseScheduler) – A scheduler instance from adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.

  • with_progress_bar (bool) – Display a progress bar using tqdm.

  • move_to (str | Path | None) – Move the file to a different directory. If None the file is removed.

  • log_file_folder – The folder in which to delete the log-files.

Return type:



Get an allowed url for the database manager.


An url that can be used for the database manager, with the format tcp://ip_of_this_machine:allowed_port..

Return type:


adaptive_scheduler.server_support.logs_with_string_or_condition(error, database_manager)[source]

Get jobs that have string (or apply a callable) inside their log-file.

Either use string or error.

  • error (Union[str, Callable[[list[str]], bool]]) – String that is searched for or callable that is applied to the log text. Must take a single argument, a list of strings, and return True if the job has to be killed, or False if not.

  • database_manager (DatabaseManager) – A DatabaseManager instance.


A list (job_name, fnames), which have the string inside their log-file.

Return type:


adaptive_scheduler.server_support.parse_log_files(database_manager, scheduler, *, only_last=True)[source]

Parse the log-files and convert it to a DataFrame.

Return type:


adaptive_scheduler.server_support.periodically_clean_ipython_profiles(scheduler, interval=600)[source]

Periodically remove old IPython profiles.

In the RunManager.cleanup method the profiles will be removed. However, one might want to remove them earlier.

Return type:


adaptive_scheduler.server_support.slurm_run(learners, fnames, *, partition=None, nodes=1, cores_per_node=None, goal=None, folder='', name='adaptive', num_threads=1, save_interval=300, log_interval=300, cleanup_first=True, save_dataframe=True, dataframe_format='pickle', max_fails_per_job=50, max_simultaneous_jobs=100, exclusive=True, executor_type='process-pool', extra_scheduler=None, extra_run_manager_kwargs=None, extra_scheduler_kwargs=None, initializers=None)[source]

Run adaptive on a SLURM cluster.

cores, nodes, cores_per_node, extra_scheduler, executor_type, extra_script, exclusive, extra_env_vars, num_threads and partition can be either a single value or a tuple of values. If a tuple is given, then the length of the tuple should be the same as the number of learners (jobs) that are run. This allows for different resources for different jobs.

  • learners (list[BaseLearner]) – A list of learners.

  • fnames (list[str] | list[Path]) – A list of filenames to save the learners.

  • partition (str | tuple[str, ...] | None) – The partition to use. If None, then the default partition will be used. (The one marked with a * in sinfo). Use adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.slurm_partitions to see the available partitions.

  • nodes (int | tuple[int, ...]) – The number of nodes to use.

  • cores_per_node (int | tuple[int, ...] | None) – The number of cores per node to use. If None, then all cores on the partition will be used.

  • goal (Union[Callable[[BaseLearner], bool], int, float, datetime, timedelta, None]) – The goal of the adaptive run. If None, then the run will continue indefinitely.

  • folder (str | Path) – The folder to save the adaptive_scheduler files such as logs, database, and .sbatch files in.

  • name (str) – The name of the job.

  • num_threads (int | tuple[int, ...]) – The number of threads to use.

  • save_interval (float) – The interval at which to save the learners.

  • log_interval (float) – The interval at which to log the status of the run.

  • cleanup_first (bool) – Whether to clean up the folder before starting the run.

  • save_dataframe (bool) – Whether to save the `pandas.DataFrame`s with the learners data.

  • dataframe_format (Literal['parquet', 'csv', 'hdf', 'pickle', 'feather', 'excel', 'json']) – The format to save the pandas.DataFrame`s in. See `adaptive_scheduler.utils.save_dataframes for more information.

  • max_fails_per_job (int) – The maximum number of times a job can fail before it is cancelled.

  • max_simultaneous_jobs (int) – The maximum number of simultaneous jobs.

  • executor_type (Union[Literal['mpi4py', 'ipyparallel', 'dask-mpi', 'process-pool', 'loky', 'sequential'], tuple[Literal['mpi4py', 'ipyparallel', 'dask-mpi', 'process-pool', 'loky', 'sequential'], ...]]) – The executor that is used, by default concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor is used. One can use "ipyparallel", "dask-mpi", "mpi4py", "loky", "sequential", or "process-pool".

  • exclusive (bool | tuple[bool, ...]) – Whether to use exclusive nodes, adds "--exclusive" if True.

  • extra_scheduler (list[str] | tuple[list[str], ...] | None) – Extra #SLURM (depending on scheduler type) arguments, e.g. ["--exclusive=user", "--time=1"] or a tuple of lists, e.g. (["--time=10"], ["--time=20"]]) for two jobs.

  • extra_run_manager_kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None) – Extra keyword arguments to pass to the RunManager.

  • extra_scheduler_kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None) – Extra keyword arguments to pass to the adaptive_scheduler.scheduler.SLURM.

  • initializers (list[Callable[[], None]] | None) – List of functions that are called before the job starts, can populate a cache.

Return type:


adaptive_scheduler.server_support.start_one_by_one(*run_managers, goal=None, interval=120)[source]

Start a list of RunManagers after each other.

  • run_managers (RunManager) – A list of RunManagers.

  • goal (Optional[Callable[[RunManager], bool]]) – A callable that takes a RunManager as argument and returns a boolean. If goal is not None, the RunManagers will be started after goal returns True for the previous RunManager. If goal is None, the RunManagers will be started after the previous RunManager has finished.

  • interval (float) – The interval at which to check if goal is True. Only used if goal is not None.


The first element is the grouped task that starts all RunManagers. The second element is a list of tasks that start each RunManager.

Return type:

tuple[asyncio.Future, list[asyncio.Future]]


>>> manager_1 = adaptive_scheduler.slurm_run(
...     learners[:5],
...     fnames[:5],
...     partition="hb120rsv2-low",
...     goal=0.01,
...     name="first",
... )
>>> manager_1.start()
>>> manager_2 = adaptive_scheduler.slurm_run(
...     learners[5:],
...     fnames[5:],
...     partition="hb120rsv2-low",
...     goal=0.01,
...     name="second",
... )
>>> # Start second when the first RunManager has more than 1000 points.
>>> def start_goal(run_manager):
...     df = run_manager.parse_log_files()
...     npoints = df.get("npoints")
...     if npoints is None:
...         return False
...     return npoints.sum() > 1000
>>> tasks = adaptive_scheduler.start_one_by_one(
...     manager_1,
...     manager_2,
...     goal=start_goal,
... )