Source code for adaptive_scheduler._server_support.database_manager

"""The DatabaseManager."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import pickle
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Union

import pandas as pd
import zmq
import zmq.asyncio
import zmq.ssh

from adaptive_scheduler.utils import (

from .base_manager import BaseManager
from .common import log

    import adaptive

    from adaptive_scheduler.scheduler import BaseScheduler

ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()
FnameType = Union[str, Path, List[str], List[Path]]
FnamesTypes = Union[List[str], List[Path], List[List[str]], List[List[Path]]]

class JobIDExistsInDbError(Exception):
    """Raised when a job id already exists in the database."""

def _ensure_str(
    fnames: str | Path | FnamesTypes,
) -> str | list[str] | list[list[str]]:
    """Make sure that `pathlib.Path`s are converted to strings."""
    if isinstance(fnames, (str, Path)):
        return str(fnames)

    if isinstance(fnames, (list, tuple)):
        if len(fnames) == 0:
            return []  # type: ignore[return-value]
        if isinstance(fnames[0], (str, Path)):
            return [str(f) for f in fnames]
        if isinstance(fnames[0], list):
            return [[str(f) for f in sublist] for sublist in fnames]  # type: ignore[union-attr]
    msg = (
        "Invalid input: expected a  string/Path, or list of"
        " strings/Paths, a list of lists of strings/Paths."
    raise ValueError(msg)

class _DBEntry:
    fname: str | list[str]
    job_id: str | None = None
    is_pending: bool = False
    is_done: bool = False
    log_fname: str | None = None
    job_name: str | None = None
    output_logs: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    start_time: float | None = None

class SimpleDatabase:
    def __init__(self, db_fname: str | Path, *, clear_existing: bool = False) -> None:
        self.db_fname = Path(db_fname)
        self._data: list[_DBEntry] = []
        self._meta: dict[str, Any] = {}

        if self.db_fname.exists():
            if clear_existing:
                with as f:
                    raw_data = json.load(f)
                    self._data = [_DBEntry(**entry) for entry in raw_data["data"]]

    def all(self) -> list[_DBEntry]:
        return self._data

    def insert_multiple(self, entries: list[_DBEntry]) -> None:

    def update(self, update_dict: dict, indices: list[int] | None = None) -> None:
        for index, entry in enumerate(self._data):
            if indices is None or index in indices:
                for key, value in update_dict.items():
                    assert hasattr(entry, key)
                    setattr(entry, key, value)

    def count(self, condition: Callable[[_DBEntry], bool]) -> int:
        return sum(1 for entry in self._data if condition(entry))

    def get(self, condition: Callable[[_DBEntry], bool]) -> _DBEntry | None:
        for entry in self._data:
            if condition(entry):
                return entry
        return None

    def get_all(
        condition: Callable[[_DBEntry], bool],
    ) -> list[tuple[int, _DBEntry]]:
        return [(i, entry) for i, entry in enumerate(self._data) if condition(entry)]

    def contains(self, condition: Callable[[_DBEntry], bool]) -> bool:
        return any(condition(entry) for entry in self._data)

    def as_dicts(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        return [asdict(entry) for entry in self._data]

    def _save(self) -> None:
        with"w") as f:
            json.dump({"data": self.as_dicts(), "meta": self._meta}, f, indent=4)

[docs] class DatabaseManager(BaseManager): """Database manager. Parameters ---------- url The url of the database manager, with the format ``tcp://ip_of_this_machine:allowed_port.``. Use `get_allowed_url` to get a `url` that will work. scheduler A scheduler instance from `adaptive_scheduler.scheduler`. db_fname Filename of the database, e.g. 'running.json'. learners List of `learners` corresponding to `fnames`. fnames List of `fnames` corresponding to `learners`. overwrite_db Overwrite the existing database upon starting. initializers List of functions that are called before the job starts, can populate a cache. Attributes ---------- failed : list A list of entries that have failed and have been removed from the database. """ def __init__( self, url: str, scheduler: BaseScheduler, db_fname: str | Path, learners: list[adaptive.BaseLearner], fnames: FnamesTypes, *, overwrite_db: bool = True, initializers: list[Callable[[], None]] | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.url = url self.scheduler = scheduler self.db_fname = Path(db_fname) self.learners = learners self.fnames = fnames self.overwrite_db = overwrite_db self.initializers = initializers self._last_reply: str | list[str] | Exception | None = None self._last_request: tuple[str, ...] | None = None self.failed: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] self._pickling_time: float | None = None self._total_learner_size: int | None = None self._db: SimpleDatabase | None = None def _setup(self) -> None: if self.db_fname.exists() and not self.overwrite_db: return self.create_empty_db() self._total_learner_size, self._pickling_time = cloudpickle_learners( self.learners, self.fnames, initializers=self.initializers, with_progress_bar=True, )
[docs] def update(self, queue: dict[str, dict[str, str]] | None = None) -> None: """If the ``job_id`` isn't running anymore, replace it with None.""" if self._db is None: return if queue is None: queue = self.scheduler.queue(me_only=True) job_names_in_queue = [x["job_name"] for x in queue.values()] failed = self._db.get_all( lambda e: e.job_name is not None and e.job_name not in job_names_in_queue, # type: ignore[operator] ) self.failed.extend([asdict(entry) for _, entry in failed]) indices = [index for index, _ in failed] self._db.update( {"job_id": None, "job_name": None, "is_pending": False}, indices, )
[docs] def n_done(self) -> int: """Return the number of jobs that are done.""" if self._db is None: return 0 return self._db.count(lambda e: e.is_done)
[docs] def is_done(self) -> bool: """Return True if all jobs are done.""" return self.n_done() == len(self.fnames)
[docs] def create_empty_db(self) -> None: """Create an empty database. It keeps track of ``fname -> (job_id, is_done, log_fname, job_name)``. """ entries: list[_DBEntry] = [ _DBEntry(fname=fname) for fname in _ensure_str(self.fnames) ] if self.db_fname.exists(): self.db_fname.unlink() self._db = SimpleDatabase(self.db_fname) self._db.insert_multiple(entries)
[docs] def as_dicts(self) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """Return the database as a list of dictionaries.""" if self._db is None: return [] return self._db.as_dicts()
[docs] def as_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the database as a `pandas.DataFrame`.""" return pd.DataFrame(self.as_dicts())
def _output_logs(self, job_id: str, job_name: str) -> list[Path]: job_id = self.scheduler.sanatize_job_id(job_id) output_fnames = self.scheduler.output_fnames(job_name) return [ f.with_name(, job_id)) for f in output_fnames ] def _choose_fname(self) -> tuple[int, str | list[str] | None]: assert self._db is not None entry = self._db.get( lambda e: e.job_id is None and not e.is_done and not e.is_pending, ) if entry is None: msg = "Requested a new job but no more learners to run in the database." raise RuntimeError(msg) log.debug("choose fname", entry=entry) index = self._db.all().index(entry) return index, _ensure_str(entry.fname) # type: ignore[return-value] def _confirm_submitted(self, index: int, job_name: str) -> None: assert self._db is not None self._db.update( { "job_name": job_name, "is_pending": True, }, indices=[index], ) def _start_request( self, job_id: str, log_fname: str, job_name: str, ) -> str | list[str] | None: assert self._db is not None if self._db.contains(lambda e: e.job_id == job_id): entry = self._db.get(lambda e: e.job_id == job_id) assert entry is not None fname = entry.fname # already running msg = ( f"The job_id {job_id} already exists in the database and " f"runs {fname}. You might have forgotten to use the " "`if __name__ == '__main__': ...` idiom in your code. Read the " "warning in the [mpi4py]( documentation.", ) raise JobIDExistsInDbError(msg) entry = self._db.get(lambda e: e.job_name == job_name and e.is_pending) log.debug("choose fname", entry=entry) if entry is None: return None index = self._db.all().index(entry) self._db.update( { "job_id": job_id, "log_fname": log_fname, "output_logs": _ensure_str(self._output_logs(job_id, job_name)), "start_time": _now(), "is_pending": False, }, indices=[index], ) return _ensure_str(entry.fname) # type: ignore[return-value] def _stop_request(self, fname: str | list[str] | Path | list[Path]) -> None: fname_str = _ensure_str(fname) reset = {"job_id": None, "is_done": True, "job_name": None, "is_pending": False} assert self._db is not None entry_indices = [ index for index, _ in self._db.get_all(lambda e: e.fname == fname_str) ] self._db.update(reset, entry_indices) def _stop_requests(self, fnames: FnamesTypes) -> None: # Same as `_stop_request` but optimized for processing many `fnames` at once assert self._db is not None fnames_str = {str(fname) for fname in _ensure_str(fnames)} reset = {"job_id": None, "is_done": True, "job_name": None, "is_pending": False} entry_indices = [ index for index, _ in self._db.get_all(lambda e: str(e.fname) in fnames_str) ] self._db.update(reset, entry_indices) def _dispatch( self, request: tuple[str, str | list[str]] | tuple[str], ) -> str | list[str] | Exception | None: request_type, *request_arg = request log.debug("got a request", request=request) try: if request_type == "start": # workers send us their slurm ID for us to fill in job_id, log_fname, job_name = request_arg # give the worker a job and send back the fname to the worker fname = self._start_request(job_id, log_fname, job_name) # type: ignore[arg-type] if fname is None: # This should never happen because the _manage co-routine # should have stopped the workers before this happens. msg = "No more learners to run in the database." raise RuntimeError(msg) # noqa: TRY301 log.debug( "choose a fname", fname=fname, job_id=job_id, log_fname=log_fname, job_name=job_name, ) return fname if request_type == "stop": fname = request_arg[0] # workers send us the fname they were given log.debug("got a stop request", fname=fname) self._stop_request(fname) # reset the job_id to None return None except Exception as e: # noqa: BLE001 return e msg = f"Unknown request type: {request_type}" raise ValueError(msg) async def _manage(self) -> None: """Database manager co-routine. Returns ------- coroutine """ log.debug("started database") socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REP) socket.bind(self.url) try: while True: try: self._last_request = await socket.recv_serialized(_deserialize) except zmq.error.Again: log.exception( "socket.recv_serialized failed in the DatabaseManager" " with `zmq.error.Again`.", ) except pickle.UnpicklingError as e: if r"\x03" in str(e): # Empty frame received. # TODO: not sure why this happens pass else: log.exception( "socket.recv_serialized failed in the DatabaseManager" " with `pickle.UnpicklingError` in _deserialize.", ) else: assert self._last_request is not None # for mypy self._last_reply = self._dispatch(self._last_request) # type: ignore[arg-type] await socket.send_serialized(self._last_reply, _serialize) if self.is_done(): break finally: socket.close()