Source code for adaptive_scheduler._scheduler.base_scheduler

"""BaseScheduler for Adaptive Scheduler."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pandas as pd

from adaptive_scheduler._scheduler.common import run_submit
from adaptive_scheduler.utils import EXECUTOR_TYPES, _progress

    from typing import Any, ClassVar

_MULTI_LINE_BREAK = " \\\n    "

[docs] class BaseScheduler(abc.ABC): """Base object for a Scheduler. Parameters ---------- cores Number of cores per job (so per learner.) python_executable The Python executable that should run adaptive-scheduler. By default it uses the same Python as where this function is called. log_folder The folder in which to put the log-files. mpiexec_executable ``mpiexec`` executable. By default `mpiexec` will be used (so probably from ``conda``). executor_type The executor that is used, by default `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` is used. One can use ``"ipyparallel"``, ``"dask-mpi"``, ``"mpi4py"``, ``"loky"``, ``"sequential"``, or ``"process-pool"``. num_threads ``MKL_NUM_THREADS``, ``OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS``, ``OMP_NUM_THREADS``, and ``NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS`` will be set to this number. extra_scheduler Extra ``#SLURM`` (depending on scheduler type) arguments, e.g. ``["--exclusive=user", "--time=1"]``. extra_env_vars Extra environment variables that are exported in the job script. e.g. ``["TMPDIR='/scratch'", "PYTHONPATH='my_dir:$PYTHONPATH'"]``. extra_script Extra script that will be executed after any environment variables are set, but before the main scheduler is run. batch_folder The folder in which to put the batch files. Returns ------- `BaseScheduler` object. """ _ext: ClassVar[str] _submit_cmd: ClassVar[str] _options_flag: ClassVar[str] _cancel_cmd: ClassVar[str] _JOB_ID_VARIABLE: ClassVar[str] = "${JOB_ID}" def __init__( self, cores: int | tuple[int, ...], *, python_executable: str | None = None, log_folder: str | Path = "", mpiexec_executable: str | None = None, executor_type: EXECUTOR_TYPES | tuple[EXECUTOR_TYPES, ...] = "process-pool", num_threads: int | tuple[int, ...] = 1, extra_scheduler: list[str] | tuple[list[str], ...] | None = None, extra_env_vars: list[str] | tuple[list[str], ...] | None = None, extra_script: str | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, batch_folder: str | Path = "", ) -> None: """Initialize the scheduler.""" self.cores = cores self.python_executable = python_executable or sys.executable self.log_folder = log_folder self.batch_folder = batch_folder self.mpiexec_executable = mpiexec_executable or "mpiexec" self.executor_type = executor_type self.num_threads = num_threads self._extra_scheduler = extra_scheduler self._extra_env_vars = extra_env_vars self._extra_script = extra_script if extra_script is not None else "" # This attribute is set in JobManager._setup ATM (hacky) self._command_line_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def queue(self, *, me_only: bool = True) -> dict[str, dict]: """Get the current running and pending jobs. Parameters ---------- me_only Only see your jobs. Returns ------- queue Mapping of ``job_id`` -> `dict` with ``name`` and ``state``, for example ``{job_id: {"job_name": "TEST_JOB-1", "state": "R" or "Q"}}``. Notes ----- This function might return extra information about the job, however this is not used elsewhere in this package. """
[docs] def queue_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the current running and pending jobs as a `pandas.DataFrame`.""" queue = self.queue() return pd.DataFrame(queue).transpose()
@property def ext(self) -> str: """The extension of the job script.""" return self._ext @property def submit_cmd(self) -> str: """Command to start a job, e.g. ``qsub fname.batch`` or ``sbatch fname.sbatch``.""" return self._submit_cmd
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def job_script(self, options: dict[str, Any], *, index: int | None = None) -> str: """Get a jobscript in string form. Returns ------- job_script A job script that can be submitted to the scheduler. index The index of the job that is being run. This is used when specifying different resources for different jobs. """
@property def single_job_script(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self.cores, int) def _get_executor_type(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> str: if self.single_job_script: assert isinstance(self.executor_type, str) return self.executor_type assert index is not None return self.executor_type[index]
[docs] def batch_fname(self, name: str) -> Path: """The filename of the job script.""" if self.batch_folder: batch_folder = Path(self.batch_folder) batch_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) else: batch_folder = Path.cwd() return batch_folder / f"{name}{self.ext}"
[docs] @staticmethod def sanatize_job_id(job_id: str) -> str: """Sanatize the job_id.""" return job_id
[docs] def job_names_to_job_ids(self, *job_names: str) -> list[str]: """Get the job_ids from the job_names in the queue.""" queue = self.queue() job_name_to_id = {info["job_name"]: job_id for job_id, info in queue.items()} return [ job_name_to_id[job_name] for job_name in job_names if job_name in job_name_to_id ]
[docs] def cancel( self, job_names: list[str], *, with_progress_bar: bool = True, max_tries: int = 5, ) -> None: """Cancel all jobs in `job_names`. Parameters ---------- job_names List of job names. with_progress_bar Display a progress bar using `tqdm`. max_tries Maximum number of attempts to cancel a job. """ def cancel_jobs(job_ids: list[str]) -> None: for job_id in _progress(job_ids, with_progress_bar, "Canceling jobs"): cmd = f"{self._cancel_cmd} {job_id}".split() returncode = cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, ).returncode if returncode != 0: warnings.warn( f"Couldn't cancel '{job_id}'.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) job_names_set = set(job_names) for _ in range(max_tries): job_ids = self.job_names_to_job_ids(*job_names_set) if not job_ids: # no more running jobs break cancel_jobs(job_ids) time.sleep(0.5)
def _expand_options( self, custom: tuple[str, ...], name: str, options: dict[str, Any], ) -> str: """Expand the options. This is used to expand the options that are passed to the job script. """ log_fname = self.log_fname(name) return _MULTI_LINE_BREAK.join( ( *custom, f"--log-fname {log_fname}", f"--job-id {self._JOB_ID_VARIABLE}", f"--name {name}", *(f"{k} {v}" if v is not None else k for k, v in options.items()), ), ) def _get_cores(self, index: int | None = None) -> int: if self.single_job_script: cores = self.cores else: assert index is not None assert isinstance(self.cores, tuple) cores = self.cores[index] assert isinstance(cores, int) return cores def _mpi4py(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> tuple[str, ...]: cores = self._get_cores(index=index) return ( f"{self.mpiexec_executable}", f"-n {cores} {self.python_executable}", f"-m mpi4py.futures {self.launcher}", ) def _dask_mpi(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> tuple[str, ...]: cores = self._get_cores(index=index) return ( f"{self.mpiexec_executable}", f"-n {cores} {self.python_executable} {self.launcher}", ) def _ipyparallel(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> tuple[str, tuple[str, ...]]: cores = self._get_cores(index=index) job_id = self._JOB_ID_VARIABLE profile = "${profile}" start = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ profile=adaptive_scheduler_{job_id} echo "Creating profile {profile}" ipython profile create {profile} echo "Launching controller" ipcontroller --ip="*" --profile={profile} --log-to-file & sleep 10 echo "Launching engines" {self.mpiexec_executable} \\ -n {cores-1} \\ ipengine \\ --profile={profile} \\ --mpi \\ --cluster-id='' \\ --log-to-file & echo "Starting the Python script" {self.python_executable} {self.launcher} \\ """, ) custom = (f" --profile {profile}", f"--n {cores-1}") return start, custom def _process_pool(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: return (f"{self.python_executable} {self.launcher}",) def _sequential_executor(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: return (f"{self.python_executable} {self.launcher}",) def _executor_specific( self, name: str, options: dict[str, Any], *, index: int | None = None, ) -> str: start = "" executor_type = self._get_executor_type(index=index) if executor_type == "mpi4py": opts = self._mpi4py(index=index) elif executor_type == "dask-mpi": opts = self._dask_mpi(index=index) elif executor_type == "ipyparallel": cores = self._get_cores(index=index) if cores <= 1: msg = ( "`ipyparalllel` uses 1 cores of the `adaptive.Runner` and" " the rest of the cores for the engines, so use more than 1 core." ) raise ValueError(msg) start, opts = self._ipyparallel(index=index) elif executor_type in ("process-pool", "loky"): opts = self._process_pool() elif executor_type == "sequential": opts = self._sequential_executor() else: msg = "Use 'ipyparallel', 'dask-mpi', 'mpi4py', 'loky', 'sequential', or 'process-pool'." raise NotImplementedError(msg) return start + self._expand_options(opts, name, options)
[docs] def log_fname(self, name: str) -> Path: """The filename of the log (with JOB_ID_VARIABLE).""" if self.log_folder: log_folder = Path(self.log_folder) log_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: log_folder = Path.cwd() return log_folder / f"{name}-{self._JOB_ID_VARIABLE}.log"
[docs] def output_fnames(self, name: str) -> list[Path]: """Scheduler output file names (with JOB_ID_VARIABLE).""" log_fname = self.log_fname(name) return [log_fname.with_suffix(".out")]
@property def launcher(self) -> Path: from adaptive_scheduler import _server_support return Path(_server_support.__file__).parent / ""
[docs] def extra_scheduler(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> str: """Scheduler options that go in the job script.""" if self._extra_scheduler is None: return "" if self.single_job_script: extra_scheduler = self._extra_scheduler else: assert index is not None extra_scheduler = self._extra_scheduler[index] # type: ignore[assignment] assert isinstance(extra_scheduler, list) return "\n".join(f"#{self._options_flag} {arg}" for arg in extra_scheduler)
def _get_num_threads(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> int: if self.single_job_script: assert isinstance(self.num_threads, int) return self.num_threads assert index is not None return self.num_threads[index] # type: ignore[index]
[docs] def extra_env_vars(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> str: """Environment variables that need to exist in the job script.""" extra_env_vars: list[str] if self._extra_env_vars is None: extra_env_vars = [] elif self.single_job_script: assert isinstance(self._extra_env_vars, list) extra_env_vars = self._extra_env_vars.copy() else: assert index is not None extra_env_vars = self._extra_env_vars[index].copy() # type: ignore[union-attr] num_threads = self._get_num_threads(index=index) extra_env_vars.extend( [ f"EXECUTOR_TYPE={self._get_executor_type(index=index)}", f"MKL_NUM_THREADS={num_threads}", f"OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS={num_threads}", f"OMP_NUM_THREADS={num_threads}", f"NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS={num_threads}", ], ) return "\n".join(f"export {arg}" for arg in extra_env_vars)
[docs] def extra_script(self, *, index: int | None = None) -> str: """Script that will be run before the main scheduler.""" assert self._extra_script is not None if self.single_job_script: assert isinstance(self._extra_script, str) return self._extra_script assert index is not None assert isinstance(self._extra_script, tuple), self._extra_script return self._extra_script[index]
[docs] def write_job_script( self, name: str, options: dict[str, Any], index: int | None = None, ) -> None: """Writes a job script.""" with self.batch_fname(name).open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f: job_script = self.job_script(options, index=index) f.write(job_script)
def _multi_job_script_options(self, index: int) -> dict[str, Any]: assert self._command_line_options is not None assert isinstance(self.cores, tuple) options = dict(self._command_line_options) # copy executor_type = self._get_executor_type(index=index) options["--executor-type"] = executor_type options["--n"] = self._get_cores(index=index) if executor_type == "ipyparallel": options["--n"] -= 1 return options
[docs] def start_job(self, name: str, *, index: int | None = None) -> None: """Writes a job script and submits it to the scheduler.""" if not self.single_job_script: assert index is not None options = self._multi_job_script_options(index) self.write_job_script(name, options, index=index) submit_cmd = f"{self.submit_cmd} {name} {self.batch_fname(name)}" run_submit(submit_cmd)
def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the state of the scheduler.""" return { "cores": self.cores, "python_executable": self.python_executable, "log_folder": self.log_folder, "mpiexec_executable": self.mpiexec_executable, "executor_type": self.executor_type, "num_threads": self.num_threads, "extra_scheduler": self._extra_scheduler, "extra_env_vars": self._extra_env_vars, "extra_script": self._extra_script, } def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Set the state of the scheduler.""" self.__init__(**state) # type: ignore[misc]